Fair Housing Program
The Many Faces of Housing Discrimination
“We don’t rent to your kind.”
“You’re just not the kind of person we want here.”
“Only five people can rent a three-bedroom apartment under our rules.”
“Congratulations on the new baby. But since you’re in a one-bedroom apartment, you’ll need to move into a two-bedroom unit.”
“I’m sorry, but we’ll have to charge a pet deposit for your guide dog.”
“We have a separate waiting list for people in wheelchairs.”
“Families with children can only live in buildings near the back of the complex.”
The Fair Housing Program helps any person who has been discriminated against in the rental, sale, financing, or appraisal of housing. The state and federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of a person’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability (mental or physical), or familial status. For Austin residents, additional protections include marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, source of income for veterans or status as a student. FHP documents and investigates complaints; provides advice about remedies under fair housing laws; and coordinates legal services to assist victims of housing discrimination. FHP provides fair housing seminars and presentations to interested groups.
Eligibility: Open to victims of housing discrimination
Fees: No charge.
Procedures: Call 512-474-1961 for an initial phone interview and/or to schedule an appointment. Report online by submitting a Housing Discrimination Report.
For those requiring interpreter services, please review our scheduling policy here .
To watch our video in American Sign Language (ASL) with English captioning, please click here.