Forms and Other Resources

Need help requesting the refund of your security deposit or a repair request? Our forms can help you start the process. If you have further questions or need further assistance, please give us a call or reach out to us online

For links to community resources and additional assistance, click here.  
For links to sections of the Texas Property Code, click here.
For information about our lease packets, click here.  
For our Newsletter Archive, click here.
For our Fact Sheets, click
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Application Deposit Refund Demand Letter 
Use this demand letter to request a refund of your application deposit. Read our Applications Fees and Procedures brochure for more information.

Credit Report Dispute Form 
Found inaccuracies in your report? If so, use this form to contact the credit bureau that supplied the information. Read our Credit Right's in Texas brochure for more information.

Landlord’s Lien 
Use this demand letter to request the return of your property after an unlawful landlord’s lien. Read our Landlord’s Lien brochure so that you understand the lien process.

Use this demand letter to request reentry to your rental unit after a lockout. Read our Lockout brochure so that you understand the lockout process. NOTE: You do not have to pay rent to receive a new key.

Pauper’s Affidavit 
Cannot afford to pay court fees or an appeal bond? If so, use this form to request that the court waive the fees. Please see our brochures about Filing a Claim in Court and the Eviction Process, for more information about the court process.

Renting Together Contract 
If you have ever had a roommate, then you know there is a potential for miscommunication. The Renting Together contract addresses issues such as who pays which bills, how much deposit was paid, and what to do if one roommate decides to move out early. Read our Tips for Renters brochure for more information about choosing a roommate.

Security Deposit Refund Demand Letter 
Use this demand letter to request a refund of your security deposit. Read our Security Deposits brochure so that you understand the process of requesting a refund of your deposit.

Self-Help RA/RM Packet 
Contact our Fair Housing Program to receive a self-help RA/RM packet. Persons with disabilities, their friends, and advocates can use the forms in this packet to request reasonable accommodation and reasonable modifications under the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.

Self-Help Repair Packet 
ATC provides this Self-Help Repair Packet for information purposes so tenants can enforce their rights for repairs. The packet includes sample repair request letters and two fill-in-the-blank repair requests. It also includes a termination of lease notice and court petition requesting relief. Read our Repairs brochure so that you understand the process of requesting repairs.

Smoke Detector 
Use this demand letter to request the installation, inspection, or repair of the smoke detector in your rental unit.  Read our Smoke Detector brochure so that you understand the lien process.

Utility Interruption 
Use this demand letter to request service restoration to your rental unit after an illegal utility interruption. Read our Utilities brochure for more information.

HUD Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, or Stalking 
The Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 protects qualified tenants and family members of tenants who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking from being evicted or terminated from housing assistance based on acts of such violence against them. This form allows an individual to self-certify that s/he is a victim.



The Telephone Counseling Line provides education and information regarding residential tenant-landlord disputes. Lines are busy, and callers are encouraged to keep trying. Please call us at 512-474-1961.


online counseling

The Online Counseling Program provides education and information regarding the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords. Fill out an online intake and an advocate will contact you!


The In-House Counseling Program provides 30-minute in-house counseling sessions to tenants and landlords who have questions regarding their rights or responsibilities.